Energy Efficiency In Windows & Doors
Sunday, 26 November 2017
The types of windows and doors you have in your home greatly affect how energy efficient it is overall. If you want to keep the inside of your home comfortable and save on your energy bills, it’s important to invest in quality doors and windows and keep them in great shape. If you have windows
- Published in Eco Friendly, Front Doors, Windows
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Open Your Replacement Windows and Let the Fresh Air In!
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Fall means fresher air in the southeast, and fresher air means that you can finally turn off that AC and open your windows. And that’s a good thing, because homes, offices and buildings that are closed up or rely on ventilation systems are more likely to have a greater build-up of “bad” air. Yes, there
- Published in Windows
3 Uses For a Picture Window
Tuesday, 03 October 2017
Upon first thought, picture windows might not seem that special. They’re usually just a simple rectangle or square, with a single window pane that cannot be opened. However, that simplicity is just what makes them so special. Their simplicity makes them extremely versatile, meaning they look great alone or combined with other types of windows.
- Published in Windows
Improving Your Home’s Energy Efficiency with Replacement Windows and Doors
Friday, 18 August 2017
There are many benefits that come from owning a home that is energy efficient. If you’re able to reduce your reliance on electrical cooling, heating, and lighting, you’ll not only be more comfortable inside, you’ll be saving money. So which factors typically affect a home’s energy efficiency? Can replacement windows and patio doors really make
- Published in Eco Friendly, Front Doors, Windows
Getting the Most from Windows with White Trim
Friday, 04 August 2017
When it comes to improving the look of your home, window trim isn’t usually the first thing to pop into people’s minds – but it should be! Unfortunately, many homeowners don’t consider their window trim when thinking about home improvement. Window trim, and white window trim in particular, can greatly improve the appearance of a
- Published in Windows
Making the Case for Roller Blinds
Tuesday, 01 August 2017
Roller blinds have often been considered an inexpensive and Spartan option for treating windows. Many people think of their first apartment or college dorm room when they think of them. However, roller blinds have made leaps and bounds in terms of quality and diversity of available styles, coming in a variety of fabrics, sizes, and
- Published in Windows
Window-Box Ideas For The Summer
Thursday, 27 July 2017
Looking for a way to liven up your windows this summer? Window boxes are a great way to mix things up and add some color to your home in the summertime. All it takes are a few plants and decorative items and you can completely transform a window for a few months – or longer,
- Published in Windows
Why You Should Consider Adding a Bay Window to Your Home
Thursday, 13 July 2017
Considering expanding your living space with a bay window? Mr. Rogers offers several attractive options for bay windows that can be installed at different angles to fit any space and add more room inside your house. Our windows come in a wide variety of styles and colors, with different options for grilles and hardware to
- Published in Windows
How to Decorate a Bay Window by the Kitchen Sink
Thursday, 09 February 2017
Make your kitchen more charming with these decorating ideas for bay windows behind the kitchen sink.
- Published in Windows
Window and Window Treatment Styles for 2017
Friday, 03 February 2017
Know what’s in this year when it comes to window and window treatment styles.
- Published in Windows