It’s important to maintain your windows all year round, but it can be particularly crucial when the seasons change. These four tips will keep your windows in great shape all year long.
- Call in the Pros
It’s a good idea to get your windows inspected by trusted professionals at least twice a year. They’ll inspect your windows, locate any problem areas, and perform any necessary maintenance that will prevent small problems from turning into big ones. By working with someone you trust, you can also rest easy knowing that they’ll only recommend replacement windows if you really need them.
- Clean Your Windows
This might seem like an obvious one but cleaning your windows should be on everyone’s list for the spring. Dirty, grimy windows don’t let as much sunlight into your home, which means you can’t take advantage of that free solar heat. By giving your windows a good cleaning – especially those south and west facing ones – you can be sure that all the sunlight possible is warming your home during the day.
- Seal Up Any Gaps
Take a close look at your windows and identify any cracks or gaps that are letting air in or out of your home. You’d be surprised at just how much air can escape through even the smallest cracks around your window frames. Seal any gaps or cracks you do find with rubber seals, weather-stripping, spray foam insulation, caulk, or plastic sheeting.
- Invest in Replacement Windows
If your windows are beyond benefiting from regular repairs and maintenance, it’s time to invest in replacement windows. You might think you have to wait for warm weather to get this project done, but in fact, your windows only have to be open for a couple of minutes at a time during the replacement, so it can be done in winter as well. Plus, you’ll save so much on your energy bills in the long run that it will be well worth it.